Research and Recommendations

Abstract Methylcellulose is a heterogeneous polymer that exposes both methyl groups and –OH-groups to the solution, and the solvent quality of water for methylcellulose deceases with increa...
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How to Comfortably Hold Your Violin Without Muscle Tension or Pain
Holding your violin or viola in a tight, tense grip will eventually lead to pain in your neck, shoulder, arm, and back The quality of your playing will also suffer as the physical strain impairs yo...
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Heredity, Humanism and Violin Making
Among the varied wonders of hyperconnected tele-society, none has proven so enigmatic as the controversial social media post. So vexing was my recent experience of this kind that my reaction w...
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When Should You Upgrade Your Instrument?
From beginner to advanced player, there will come a time in every musician’s life when they decide that an instrument upgrade is in order. There are many reasons why this could be true, and we’ll c...
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