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Zarelon® FH Fortified Hair

Zarelon® FH Fortified Hair

  • Hair is impossible to break or stretch when playing. Never rehair again.
  • Identical to traditional horsehair in appearance and touch. Continue using your favorite rosin.
  • Dramatically increased rosin uptake and hair grip; players find tone is fuller, more consistent.
  • Never fear aggressive, intense passages; focus on the music - not on breaking bow hairs.
  • Zarelon ® FH is a reinforced keratin biocomposite derived from horse hair; its enhanced mechanical properties result in zero stretching or breaking and a characteristic firmness and clarity.
  • FH Is never bleached or dyed; traditional horsehair however is always washed with poisonous chemicals and bleached to remove urine, feces and other contaminants, making it brittle and weak. 
  • FH is unaffected by moisture, humidity, and temperature; the hair does not expand in the summer or contract in the winter. FH does not oxidize or attract finger oil. 

  • Any bow can be haired with Zarelon ® FH.
  • The rehairing process always risks damage to the bow itself - many fine bows have been gradually destroyed by years of rehair jobs. FH is done once for life, preserving historic and valuable bows.  
*Please note: Not a vegan bow hair. FH materials are ethically sourced from horse byproduct.

      Is my bow hair Zarelon FH? Only two methods exist to determine if bow hair is FH or traditional:

      1. Try to break the hair - FH is impossible to break. 
      2. If the hair has stains near frog or along length of hair, the hair is likely traditional.