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Varnish Refurbishing and Revarnishing

Sale price$95.00

To repair varnish, we use a layering approach, starting with sealing and filling any cracks with clear varnish, then applying thin layers of color and clear varnish, and finally sealing the repair with a protective layer and polishing. 

Detailed breakdown of the varnish repair process:
1. Preparation and Sealing:
Address Cracks:
If there are cracks, they are first sealed and filled with a clear varnish, ensuring the repair area is level with the surrounding varnish.
Surface Preparation:
The area around the damaged varnish is prepared by sanding or scraping it smooth, creating a clean surface for the repair. 
2. Layering and Color Matching:
Clear Varnish: A thin layer of clear varnish is applied to the prepared area.
Color Application: Pigments with minimal varnish content are used to match the original varnish color, applied with a tiny brush in thin layers.
Repeated Application: The process of applying clear varnish followed by color is repeated until the desired color is achieved, with minimal thickness added during this phase. 
3. Sealing and Polishing:
Protective Layer:
Once the color is matched, the repair is sealed with a thicker protective layer of varnish.
The repaired area is polished to match the surrounding varnish, ensuring a smooth and seamless finish.
4. Additional Considerations:
Matching Surface Texture:
Matching the surface texture of the original varnish is crucial for a successful repair. 
Material Knowledge:
Successful varnish repair depends on understanding the materials used and how to apply them effectively. 
French Polishing:
Some luthiers use French polishing techniques for certain repairs, involving the application of shellac and polishing with a cloth. 
Protecting the Instrument:
To prevent future varnish damage, we use protective strips or washing hands before playing the violin. 

Varnish Refurbishing and Revarnishing
Varnish Refurbishing and Revarnishing Sale price$95.00

Try Before You Rent

If you are in the Cleveland area, you are invited to come to our shop and play as many of our instruments as you like before choosing which one to rent. Dr. Zaret will help you select the most compatible instrument for you based on your personal taste and preferences.

If you are unable to visit our shop, Dr. Zaret can connect with you through Skype to play any of our violins or violas for you. We will also consider sending you several instruments to sample. Contact us for more information.